What is Single Source DME Management Software?

The digital world provides businesses with many solutions that help solve pain points in their operations. Specifically, in hospice, there are many pain points that providers are forced to overcome every day that can be resolved with single source software. Unfortunately, it’s common for people to push off finding the right solutions due to the overwhelming amount of options available. 

Addressing every problem with a different digital solution can exacerbate issues and become expensive. To help combat this problem, Qualis uses single source software to make DME ordering and management seamless for hospices.  

What Does Single Source DME Management Software Mean? 

Single source software produces multiple output actions through one input interface. Simply put, a single source software solves various issues within one platform or software. Instead of using software for every aspect of your hospice, single source software address multiple pain points in one place. Anything businesses can do to streamline their daily operations will significantly ease the stress placed on their teams.  

How Is Qualis A Single Source Software?

Qualis addresses more than one central pain point for hospices all through one easy-to-use software. Through Qualis, hospice teams can order DME, track order statuses, manage invoices, communicate with vendors, and more! By providing a solution for each of these areas, DME management teams are afforded more patient care time and feel better equipped to perform their jobs. 

Hospice leadership enjoys being able to fine-tune their daily operations and even save on unnecessary DME costs. Single source software provides easy ways to improve vital areas of their day-to-day operations like DME management through one platform. 

Here are some of the solutions Qualis provides through its single source software. 

Order and Delivery Tracking 

Do you know about every single order going out for all durable medical equipment in your hospice? What is the status of other incoming orders? Are you able to contact the vendor quickly for last-minute changes? Honestly, it’s near-impossible to stay on top of everything DME related in your facility. 

One of the solutions Qualis offers users is the ability to order and track every DME order with a live update of their statuses. The Qualis platform keeps track of each order and is easily accessible to everyone on the team. It’s essential to keep everyone on the same page to have better team efficiency in a field that doesn’t stop. 

Continuing Education Resources

Your team will also be able to stay educated on DME operations best practices through Qualis’s continuing education courses. Learning how to make your DME operations run even more smoothly will drastically increase accuracy and save time and money. When the team knows how to order and manage DME properly, the bottom line will start to benefit. 

Since Qualis already solves a major logistical issue for hospice teams, learning how to improve already enhanced operations will help drastically. Clinical experts lead Qualis’s continuing education resources with years of experience in the field and operational leadership roles. 

Invoice Consolidation 

One of the biggest stressors hospices face is managing their invoicing and payments. Since so many orders are going in and out, it can be difficult to keep close track of everything. Qualis's invoice consolidation solves the accounting tasks required to maintain solid DME bookkeeping. Instead of getting several different invoices every month while managing various payment statuses, Qualis will send you one invoice. Simply address your invoicing needs through the Qualis platform, and you’re all done! 

Medical Supply Ordering 

The heart of successful DME management is ordering medical supplies for patients. Some patients may require more than one piece of durable medical equipment, but your preferred vendor may not have it in stock. The logistical industry continues to experience strains in different areas that ultimately affect the end user. 

Qualis gives your team more than one vendor to look for their DME needs in case you need it sooner, or it’s out of stock. Having these resources at your team’s disposal is key to providing them with everything they need to best perform their jobs. Employee satisfaction is known to bolster when employees feel they’re being provided everything they need to do their job correctly. 

Detailed Reporting 

Hospices can make better business decisions for their team and patients when they can see actual data on DME orders. Qualis empowers decision-makers by being able to pull detailed reports instantly. Live reports are available around the clock and can be downloaded as excel files for easier data integration and analysis. 

There are many reasons to look for single source software for your hospice organization, but the most significant benefit is time-saving. Instead of going through unnecessary steps to accomplish one goal, Qualis provides everything you need for DME management in one software. Saving as much time daily as not doing repetitive and time-wasting actions is the quickest way to find more time for higher priority tasks. 

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