Top 5 Benefits of Qualis DME Management Software

When was the last time you evaluated your DME processes? Managing and improving the efficiencies of your logistics will bring a host of benefits that can simultaneously improve the overall patient care bottom line. Your hospice’s DME operations are an ongoing process and, when done correctly, can lower costs, increase productivity, and create an overall thriving environment. 

The core mission of a hospice organization is to help patients as they navigate through the difficult end-of-life phases. Durable medical equipment is medical equipment that is used in a home to provide someone with a better quality of life. Most hospice patients need at least some form of durable medical equipment just to help maintain their daily lives.  

How Does DME Management Software Work?

Before Qualis, typical DME operations for hospices were far more complex and time-consuming for busy care teams. The regular DME operations in a hospice are full of excessive steps that can grow to be time-consuming, frustrating, and add unnecessary stress to staff. Staff members don’t have time to navigate different computer screens, paperwork, vendor list, DME selection, and ensure on-time delivery for their patients. 

Qualis was created to simplify everything a hospice team needs for their DME operations into a single source software. DME management software works to provide everything staff members need to streamline operations on one single platform. The DME management software will introduce a quicker way to pick equipment, process orders, and manage delivery statuses for all your patients in one location.     

Keep reading to explore the excellent benefits of integrating DME management software into your organization. 

Customize To Your Needs

While not every hospice’s operations are different, many tools require the organization to adapt to the tool's capability. Qualis works with you to determine how the DME management software can be tailored to fit your specific organization’s needs. Save time by identifying particular areas of your current processes that can be further simplified with Qualis to meet your organization’s needs.  

Reclaim Time 

Is there ever enough time in the day to handle everything your hospice organization needs? The time you’ll save through Qualis will help teams finally catch up on charting patient updates and care plans, take much-needed breaks, and reduce stress. Streamlining the DME management will help staff stay on top of delivery issues or quickly handle last-minute changes to avoid delays. When staff has more time in their day, they will also be able to provide better quality care to their patients instead of constantly rushing.  

Use Less Resources, Produce Better Results

Integrating Qualis into your hospice might be counterintuitive to using fewer resources, but it is. Instead of bouncing around from different charts, screens, vendors, and delivery management, hospice teams have everything they need in one location. Unfortunately, some hospices tend to overcomplicate their DME management processes, leading to poor performance and errors. 

An error throughout the DME process can significantly disrupt a staff member’s day, taking away from other patient care. Qualis combines the power of several resources into one solution that seamlessly enhances the entire DME management process while avoiding fewer errors. 

Easy-to-Use Interface 

Qualis’s interface is designed to be easy for everyone to use to improve ordering accuracy and timing. Keeping things simple will help your hospice care team get orders out and track statuses when already pressed for time. 

Qualis is designed for care teams to be able to place orders in a matter of seconds through various forms of automation and simple design. This unique DME management solution will pull patient information directly from the EMR, leaving staff members only having to pick the vendor and equipment before ordering.  

Keep Employees Happy

Every hospice organization wants to ensure its staff members are continuously happy throughout their employment. One of the best ways you can help keep your staff satisfied is by giving them tools to make their jobs easier. Managing patient care and everything that goes with it is a difficult job with immense responsibility. 

Set your team up for success by supporting them through DME management software integration. They will feel more supported and more confident in leadership teams that show they’re constantly trying to improve hospice and DME operations. 

Getting Started with Qualis  

Integrating Qualis into your hospice organization is a great way to streamline your current DME operations. Qualis will make every day easier for your team members responsible for ordering and managing durable medical equipment. 

Allow your DME processes to evolve naturally by bringing in a helping hand that will make your overall hospice operations more efficient. Once one area of operations starts to improve, the ripple effects will spread throughout the rest of the organization. Qualis is an industry-leading DME management solution ready to begin improving your processes today.

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